Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet Volume 1

The Anti-Social Geniuses Review: Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet Volume 1

Krystallina: Fumi's family's debts has forced her out of house and home while her father's away working on a boat, but she manages to...
Soul Eater: The Perfect Edition Volume 9

Soul Eater: The Perfect Edition Volume 9 Review

Open the table of contents, and you see every chapter is titled "Operation Baba Yaga Castle", starting with Part 3 and ending with Part...
My Happy Marriage Volume 3

My Happy Marriage Volume 3 Review

This is the volume where My Happy Marriage truly becomes a series, and while a wedding is set, I'm guessing this is going to...
YoRHa: Pearl Harbor Descent Record Volume 1

YoRHa: Pearl Harbor Descent Record Volume 1 Review

YoRHa: Pearl Harbor Descent Record is set in the world of NieR: Automata, a video game which is a sequel to NieR, a game...

Turning the Tables on the Seatmate Killer! Chapters 1-7 Review

Generally speaking, changing seats at school can mean saying goodbye to a classmate you've might've befriended. But for all intents and purposes, for one...
Love After World Domination Volume 5

Love After World Domination Volume 5 Review

Sometimes going home isn't all that's cracked up to be. See: Desumi, who ends up returning to her hometown to see her family after...
I Think Our Son Is Gay Volume Three cover

I Think Our Son Is Gay Volume 3 Review

In some ways I Think Our Son Is Gay reminds me of Gengoroh Tagame's My Brother's Husband since the set-up for these two series...
The Devil is a Part-Timer! Volume 19

The Devil is a Part-Timer! Volume 19 Review

Maou and Acieth charge ahead towards Emi, Ashiya, and Alas Ramus to rescue them from the angels' plot the latter group has wound up...

The Executioner and Her Way of Life Volume 1 Review

A young man was at his home when he was suddenly summoned into another world. He was then judged to have no special ability...
The Holy Grail of Eris Volume 3

The Holy Grail of Eris Volume 3 Review

Connie and her allies have learned much about the Holy Grail of Eris and how Scarlett ended up on the executioner's block. But knowing...

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