Peach Girl NEXT Volume 4

Most manga sequels like to feature at least one appearance from the main/important characters from the original. Well, now it’s time for someone who helped this love square into a love hexagon: Misao.

Yes, Kairi runs into his former crush while visiting a nursing home for work, whom he hasn’t seen in 10 years. Misao has quit her job to help her grandmother, who has dementia. I truly feel for her. Even though she’s not caring for her grandma full-time (at least, not at this moment), it’s still physically and emotionally draining to deal with her grandmother’s outbursts and lack of memory. Plus, with Misao’s mother not helping much due to her own broken leg, a combination of love, guilt, and filial duty has made Misao’s heart heavy as well as a hole in her own personal life.

You can see where this is going, right? Kairi wants to help Misao, especially since he reminds grandma of her deceased (and seeming self-centered) soba chef husband. Momo is unsettled with Kairi’s sudden support for Misao, while he is still uneasy with how Momo wants to help Toji and Miyu.

Again, I’m sure any Peach Girl fan could have predicted this. What I don’t think most readers would have predicted is Misao suddenly inviting Toji to a hotel. Toji — who should change his family name from Tojigamori to Tojigamoron — assumes he’s escorting Misao to some type of event. And when Sae sees them, well, Misao will surely once again be Sae Public Enemy #1. That’s how the volume ends, so her reaction will be featured in the next book.

But volume 4 makes it abundantly clear Sae is still generally manipulative. She dumps Miyu on Momo and Kairi with just a note so she can go to an audition. She visits Toji’s in-laws so that they’ll give their blessings (and, even better, encourage) Toji to marry her. Sae has always been like that, of course, but with a baby involved, her behavior seems worse. After taking care of Miyu for the day, Momo is impressed that Sae is doing so much, but readers can see Sae biting her tongue and leaving Miyu with Toji’s late wife’s mother while everyone else assume Sae is taking care of her.

Meanwhile, Toji continues to be a nice guy despite his lapses in judgement. He thanks Kairi for his and Momo’s help with Miyu, has a heartfelt talk with Misao — seriously, a real nice guy. He has some great reactions to the events going on around him, like freaking out when he finds Sae sneaking into his bed “to check up on Miyu”. Get a lock for your door, Toji!

So, while it’s unfortunate a couple that has been together for 10 years still has some major trust issues, Misao’s appearance has really shaken up Peach Girl NEXT. I can’t say I necessarily like how she’s going to be used as the object of Momo’s and Sae’s jealousy, but Misao’s personal issues will resonate with many readers. I just wish Ueda could have found a way to discuss these topics without teasing a repeat love polygon.

Peach Girl NEXT Volume 4
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A fangirl who loves to shop and hates to overpay. I post reviews, deals, and more on my website Daiyamanga. I also love penguins, an obsession that started with the anime Goldfish Warning.
peach-girl-next-volume-4-review<p><strong>Title:</strong> Peach Girl NEXT<br><strong>Genre:</strong> Romance<br><strong>Publisher:</strong> Kodansha (JP), Kodansha Comics (US)<br><strong>Creator:</strong> Miwa Ueda<br><strong>Serialized in:</strong> Be Love<br><strong>Translation:</strong> Devon Corwin<br><strong>Original Release Date:</strong> March 12, 2019<br><em>Review copy provided by Kodansha Comics.</em></p>