CITY has not been a bad read or anything. It’s certainly been able to put a smile on my face each time I read it. But for the first two volumes, I couldn’t say it was great. The laughs I was hoping for didn’t really come, so the zaniness of everything happening in this unnamed city was what kept me interested in continuing this manga.
So it’s finally nice to say the laughter has met the zaniness in CITY volume 3.
You have Niikura, Nagumo, and Wako “trying” to live together (Niikura is aghast at these prospects), and their adventures this time involve treasure hunting, where each manage to sabotage each other (well, one person sabotaged themselves) to get to the marked spot on a map. From how Wako kept setting them up to Nagumo’s determination to get the treasure, it makes sense that it wouldn’t end like the three thought it would!

Their other “adventures” revolve around Nagumo consistently trying to leech off Niikura, taking part in a last minute tantrum contest (yes, a tantrum contest), and yes, the way Nagumo tried to tantrum her way to get money was pretty funny. Arawi’s expressions for the characters have been a treat so far in the series, so it’s great that the jokes in volume 3 finally catch up to the terrific art style.
As always there are different types of stories in this one, and most of them were funny, from the dude acting too nice when he apparently doesn’t intend to to the tsundere child actress with her clumsy manager. The family one was just crazy though! I mean, who actually remembers how many plates one broke…? How can one be such a deep sleeper that multiple bonks to the head doesn’t wake you up? Also, the manga artist and editor duo continues to try and work something out. It ain’t going well!
CITY has been a pretty solid work so far, but it appears, as the cast and crew have established themselves, that it’s settling into a groove. Needless to say, it’s about time! Very much hoping that it continues moving forward.