No Game No Life Volume 8 Light Novel cover

No Game No Life Volume 8 Review

I wasn't a fan of No Game No Life volume 7. Manipulated dice rolls + the non-explanations explanations + whining characters = not a...
Final Fantasy XV: The Dawn of the Future

Final Fantasy XV: The Dawn of the Future Review

Like some other Square Enix JRPGs, Final Fantasy XV has both its haters and defenders. But its development issues have been well-known, and problems...
Baccano! Volume 8, Volume 9, and Volume 10 light novel covers.

Baccano! Volume 8, 1935 Alice in Jails: Prison, Baccano! Volume 9, 1934 Alice in...

It's 1934, Prohibition is a thing of the past, and no one is exactly sure why Issac Dian has just been sent to Alcatraz....
Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces of Two Pasts

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces of Two Pasts Review

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces of Two Pasts is divided into three parts: Tifa's, Aerith's, and "Picturing the Past". "Picturing the Past" has been...
your name. Another Side: Earthbound

your name. Another Side: Earthbound Review

If you were to suddenly become someone else, would your friends and family notice? Would they even believe you if you claimed to be...
Kingdom Hearts III: The Novel Vol. 3: Remind Me Again

Kingdom Hearts III: The Novel Volume 3: Remind Me Again Review

Any Kingdom Hearts fan can read this volume's title and can rightly assume the Re Mind DLC is adapted in this third and final...

Log Horizon: Game’s End, Volumes 3 and 4 Review

Volumes three and four of the Log Horizon light novel series (corresponding to episodes eleven to twenty-one of the anime) form a two-part story subtitled...

Baccano! Volume 6, 1933 <First> The Slash -Cloudy to Rainy- and Volume 7, 1933...

<img src="" alt="Baccano! Volume 6" class="wp-image-9255" width="296" height="428" title="Baccano! Volume 6, 1933 After a timeskip and a leap across the ocean for volume 5,...
Final Fantasy XIII-2: Fragments After novel cover.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Fragments After Review

Despite its name, most of Final Fantasy XIII-2: Fragments After takes place before or during the game. I was hoping it would serve as...
The Apothecary Diaries light novel volume one cover

The Apothecary Diaries Volume 1 Review

Maomao has found herself working in the "rear palace" of the Imperial palace where the Emperor's consorts and concubines live but not of her...

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