TheOASG Podcast Episode 23: Engulfed In Manga
Show Notes
0:35: Justin and Helen get together and chat on what they've been up to. Helen's been reading Noragami. Justin's been reading Big Order.
TheOASG Podcast Episode 22: Yamada-Kun Ending is Not FUNi
Show Notes
1:00: Justin and Helen talk about what they've been up to in the past two weeks. Helen apparently assaulted people with naginatas at...
Translator Tea Time Episode 7: The Anime Adaptation Effect
Show Notes
1:00: Amanda and Jenny return, and immediately lament on having to wait to translate some manga. For example, Amanda really wants to work...
TheOASG Podcast Episode 21: Anime and Manga Nostalgia Don’t Mix
Show Notes
0:00: Justin and Helen return and explain their lives since the last podcast. Helen's in Katsucon hell (and also at Katsucon this weekend...
TheOASG Podcast Episode 20: When Reality Catches Up To Anime
Show Notes
Justin immediately admits he's halfway into Shirobako at the start of the podcast. Helen chats about S2 of Voltron.
We get into...
Translator Tea Time Episode 6: A Day in The Life of Manga Translators
Translator Tea Time Episode 6 Show Notes
Jenny and Amanda return from the holidays by answering reader questions.
Gaby asks "who created their awesome...
TheOASG Podcast Episode 19: Amazon Needs a Dragon Maid
Show Notes
Justin and Helen are back! And Justin admits how little he knows about snow. They both chat about what anime or manga...
Translator Tea Time Episode 5: There’s No Such Thing as Crying in Translation
Show Notes
0:15: Jenny McKeon and Amanda Haley try and introduce themselves, talk about what they're working on (Jenny's translating the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid...
TheOASG Podcast Episode 18: From noitaminA to Best Anime of 2016
Show Notes
0:30: Justin and Helen, together again! Helen talks a bit about what she's been up to, which includes going to a wedding, while...
Translator Tea Time Episode 4: The Curious Case of Translator Notes
In this month's Translator Tea Time, Amanda Haley (Dimension W, Anne Happy, upcoming release of Kiniro Mosaic) and Jenny McKeon (Nichijou, Galko-Chan) get together...