The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 76: Everyone Keeps Flexing

Show Notes 0:00: Justin and Helen once again blab about their lives that don't involve nerd stuff. Well, sorta, as Helen talks about how this...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 75: The Anime Life Springs Forward

Show Notes 0:00: Justin and Helen return from whatever work or school hole they're in to talk about...yeah how work and school has been ALL...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 74: Surviving All The Anime, Manga, and LN News SAGA

Show Notes 0:00: Justin and Helen talk about how dead alive they are feeling at the moment before getting into stuff they've been up to,...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 73: Anime Delays, Kodansha’s Josei Licenses, and Oh No, Sonic

0:00: Justin and Helen return to chat about things over the internet! In this case, it's Helen discussing watching Alita and Justin going over...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 72: Junji Ito, VIZ Licenses, Kamen Rider, and…Gintama

Show Notes 0:00: Justin and Helen return to chat about what they've been up to! Well, outside of work and school and Katsucon at least...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 71: They Announced MANGA Plus When???

Show Notes 0:00: Justin and Helen chat about what they've been up to, though that involves Helen prepping for Katsucon (and watching Boogiepop and Others),...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 70: Record of Anti-Social Geniuses

Show Notes 0:00: Justin and Helen gather over the internet to chat about what they've been up to, which manages to involve them consuming Record...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 69: All About Winter Anime (and Licenses on the Side)

Show Notes 0:00: Justin and Helen return, and wish everyone a Happy New Year before talking about the episode number of this podcast. (Or was...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast: End of Year Special Edition Episode!

Show Notes In this week's episode...Justin, Helen, and Alcina end up getting together over the internet to reflect on 2018.... And it was suitably crazy. The...
The OASG Podcast

TheOASG Podcast Episode 68: All Streams Considered

Show Notes 0:00: Helen discusses her newfound freedom from school and papers to an involves the Neo Yokio Special. Justin meanwhile brings up an...

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