Taisho x Alice x Disaster

Taisho x Alice x Disaster

Otome games have been on the rise recently. Visual novels have been exploding in the west thanks to games like Ace Attorney and Zero Escape, but it's only been a few...
The Vision of Escaflowne

The Problems With FUNimation’s Escaflowne Kickstarter

it A while back, I wrote about the The Vision of Escaflowne Kickstarter from FUNimation. (I also wrote about Skip Beat!, but that's not the point of this article.) FUNimation is one...
Can Anime Help Save Toys R Us?

Can Anime Help Save Toys R Us?

When I first got into Sailor Moon all those years ago, I remember the excitement of finding VHS tapes of the series at my local Toys R Us. After that, I...
What Made the ARIA Kickstarter So Successful?

What Made the ARIA Kickstarter So Successful?

As you probably know by now, Nozomi Entertainment raised money to both release ARIA the ANIMATION on Blu-ray as well as give it an English dub. The Kickstarter raised almost $600,000,...
Hokusai x Manga

A Look at Manga History with Hokusai x Manga

Do you know about the history of manga? "Duh! It started with Osamu Tezuka!" many of you are responding. Well, yes, Tezuka helped pioneer the modern manga industry, but the roots of manga...
Ace Attorney

Are You Guilty of Being a Bad Fan?

Nobody's perfect, and we've all broken the law a few times in our lives. (Shame on you for jaywalking!) But since the Ace Attorney anime has started (available on Crunchyroll), I thought...
The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins of Anime Shopping

This is the season of giving, but with all the sales, the stage is set for some less-than-charitable acts. Don't fall into these traps! Or too much anyway... Envy This one's easy. Don't...
Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble and the “Terrible”, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Quarter

The good news: Barnes & Noble hasn't lost as much money compared to this point last year. The bad news: Barnes & Noble's current CEO and founder, Leonard Riggio, says the retail...
"Too Little, Too Late": More Analyses on Barnes & Noble

“Too Little, Too Late”: More Analyses on Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble came back into the spotlight thanks to a "Save Barnes & Noble" campaign, which I wrote about here. Well, a lot of attention is still on the national...
New Year's Reflections

New Year’s Reflections

As 2017 draws to a close, two phrases stand out to me when thinking about anime news: Live action Acquisition For the first, studios in both the Land of the Rising Sun...

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