Instant Analysis: Takahashi-san Is Listening
Takahashi-san might be a fresh, young high school idol but that's not important, Takahashi has a secret and it's a juicy one! Her classmates...
Are You Guilty of Being a Bad Fan?
Nobody's perfect, and we've all broken the law a few times in our lives. (Shame on you for jaywalking!)
But since the Ace Attorney anime...
Instant Analysis: School Judgment, by Nobuaki Enoki, Takeshi Obata
Justin: Looking back at School Judgment, it's an average series. I did read this back when WSJ serialized it, and hey, it's Takeshi Obata...
Instant Analysis: Behind The Scenes!!, By Bisco Hattori
Krystallina: Behind the Scenes!! lacks the comedy of Ouran High School Host Club, the drama of Millennium Snow, and the romance of both. Only...
Spotlight on Walmart
Walmart is one of the largest companies in the world. They are most well-known for their "supercenter" stores where they offer both groceries and...
Instant Analysis Plus: Saving Life, By Mario Kaneda (NSFW)
The best way™ to describe Saving Life (which was formerly released by TOKYOPOP eons ago) properly is to mention that the story revolves around...
Paprika and Perfect Blue: A Short Case Study in What Kon Does Best
Allow me to get slightly ahead of myself for a moment. Being slightly less than a decade apart, Paprika and Perfect Blue are extremely...
Hanami Without Sakura
If you've known about Japan long enough you probably also know that in Japan, sakura trees are the symbol of Spring and the most...
When Do You Double-Dip on a Release?
In this interview with the head of the Carolina Manga Library, a certain part stuck out to me. Ms. Mehaffey suggested going through your...
Editorial: What To Make of Amazon Ruining Anime For The Forseeable Future
At least 4 years ago, I believed, based on the number of illegal sites on the internet, there could never be enough sites streaming...