Crunchyroll Premium Gets a Makeover
I expected to write about Crunchyroll again soon, but this news wasn't what I was expecting.
Crunchyroll has become a dominant force for anime streaming partly because of its free viewing option....
PayPal’s Friendly And Not-So-Friendly Changes
Let's talk about something a little different today. I often talk about places where you shop, but today, it's about how you pay -- specifically, PayPal.
PayPal is one of the most...
ComiXology’s Future is in Doubt
Amazon is known for its online store, where they carry just about everything from a to z (as seen in its logo). Being the #1 shopping destination has allowed the company...
Interspecies Refusers
Funimation made a rare move that made many fans unhappy recently. Was their decision good business sense, or did they make viewers unnecessarily angry with a bad move?
Note: this article is...
When a Scanlation Causes a Cancellation
Let's revisit one of the most divisive subjects in the animanga fandom: fan-translated works, and in particular, scanlations. Someone(s) acquires the original Japanese version, and a person or group translates and...
Futekiya: The New Service for BL Fans
Are you a fan of manga starring two men falling in love -- particularly explicit titles? Well, for you fujoshi and fundashi, there's a new manga reading service you may be...
Deck the Halloween Halls
Around the beginning of October each year, I usually do a Halloween post -- and that usually means costumes. Because cosplayers are an important part of the anime community, and this...
Checking on the Changes at Barnes & Noble
Like many of you, my in-store shopping has been limited between store closings, stay-at-home orders, and general caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But while a lot of chains have been...
Music is an important part of every culture. Even though its purpose may have changed and evolved and various styles have risen and fallen in popularity, music is one of those...
The Sun Finally Sets on Sol Press
With the rising popularity of anime and manga over the past few years, more companies have been trying to throw their hat into the ring. Many of these, especially for manga...