Back to School with Anime
For a lot of you, school will be starting up sooner than you like to think. So if you're planning on doing some back to school shopping, why not show off...
MANGA Plus the World
It wasn't so long ago when the new English Shonen Jump was announced, making many of the magazine's serializations free to read and allowing the back catalog to be accessed for...
Should Studios Pull the Trigger and Use Patreon?
While Japan releases some fabulous anime, the pay often isn't. In 2015, the average animator's salary was under $10,000 US, and an American who works in Japan reported he was earning...
Drama Fans Go Fever-less
In mid October, viewers of Asian dramas fired up their DramaFever app...and couldn't get it to work. Well, much to their surprise, it wasn't a server interruption; it was a service...
Media Do International is Aiming to Re-Release ARTE This Month
Media Do International has confirmed to TheOASG that they are aiming to release a fixed version of Kei Ohkubo's ARTE sometime this month.
Originally, the first volume was released on digital platforms...
The Social Life of Jellyfish: How to be Stylish and Nerdy
I recently had a chance to read Kodansha USA's release of Princess Jellyfish. Even though it's been a few years since I last read it, I was struck by how Kuranosuke is...
Instant Analysis: Log Horizon: The West Wind Brigade Volume 4
After the last volume wrapped up the first arc of The West Wind Brigade it's natural to expect one or two chapters of down time before the next arc starts but I...
Stop and Roll With the Changes
While neither is confirmed, two potential buyouts could shake up some well-known companies. But will GameStop going private or AT&T taking full control of the company that owns Crunchyroll help or...
Get Your Game On!
In 10 days, it's the return of International Tabletop Day, a worldwide day of board gaming. Games have experienced a resurgence, and titles from and inspired by Japan haven't been left...
Sword Art Online Season 1: What Is All The Fuss About?
Now, there's one thing I'd like to make clear before I carry on: I have never ever seen Sword Art Online. I don't know any of the characters, or the story,...