After years and years of growth, The Stevens Anime Club (and likely the Stevens Institute of Technology) determined it was time. As in, time to finally move this event off campus and to a new location. This year, Castle Point Anime Convention took place at the Meadowlands Exposition Center. With that move, no usual April date like in the past. No need to take the PATH train. And with it being in May, a chance for better weather. OK, it did rain a bit but it was nice and warm, which is a good time to hold a con.
That said, was being bigger a better idea this year?
+ The Good
The Meadowlands Exposition Center: Just the move to a new location was the best move for the future of CPAC. It has grown larger every year, and this even worried this year’s Convention Chair if they could continue doing this. “There was a time last year,” said Ben Knutson in this year’s pamphlet, “where we were not sure if CPAC was still sustainable with the rapid growth we’ve experienced over the past few years.” But they were able to, at least from my perspective, ensure that the convention will be able to keep growing, as it being held here (and at the Holiday Inn), where the location’s easy to get to and there’s a nice food court in Harmon Meadow, should get people to come back.
= The Middling
The Meadowlands Exposition Center: That said, it didn’t look like they took advantage of the location when I went there Sunday. With gobs of space everywhere, my first thought was that there could’ve been more dealers, artists, etc. There could have been more games or space in the gaming area. They might have been unsure of what they could use, which is why I can give them a pass for that this year as they review what worked and what didn’t. It was kinda disappointing though.
The Dealers, Artist, Gaming, and Cosplay Wresting Area mash-up: As above, it just seemed like there could’ve been a bit more in everything…well, except for Cosplay Wresting, which I didn’t watch, but I heard enough sounds to make me think it was a success! It’s unfortunate that there wasn’t enough space for everything since it just felt a little lacking compared to years’ past. I especially was a bit disappointed in the lack of variety in video games (Japanese games, a few dance games, and Dragon Ball FighterZ). I can only hope some new games can be added next year.
– The Bad
Sundays: This is not exactly a bad thing. However, if you usually went to CPAC on Sunday for the full experience, like I’ve generally done, it’s time to reconsider. After mostly doing preview days on Saturday for the past few years, Saturday was also a big day to go to the con. Next year I’ll have to do both to see the difference, but from the look on the schedule, Saturday was packed. Sunday, however, was not. I think in general, this is going to be a con you’ll either go Saturday or Sunday, or both for the full experience.
The guests: New year in a new location and a new month could have been a factor in the lack of guests compared to the past. And I guess I should again emphasize this is still a student run con. But the list of guests is definitely on the low side.
Extra Section

Cosplay Wresting: I kind of regret not watching Cosplay Wresting. Next year if they bring it back I’m gonna make a note to have it on my schedule. Since it’s right next to everything else, you could hear someone getting slammed on the mat and the fans cheering. In general, sounds like it was a cool thing I missed!
Cosplays in general: Lots of Fire Emblem, My Hero Academia, and Land of the Lustrous cosplayers at CPAC this year. I think there was another one that I also saw a lot, but I can’t remember. But definitely those three dominated the convention.
From actually going to CPAC and talking to a few people there, this year’s run at the Meadowlands is only going to be the start. I fully expect the con will continue to improve the areas where it was lacking this year, and 2019, whenever it’s held, will be great.