Comic-Con @ Home

An Anti-Social Genius Heads to…Comic-Con@Home!

As you already know Comic-Con this year was cancelled because of COVID-19, which led, after some time, to the creation of Comic-Con@Home. For the next five days entertainment enthusiasts can stay...

Anime NYC 2021: The Good, the Mixed, the Bad, and the Abysmal

Well, it happened. After over a year and a good amount of months, an anime convention occurred in New York this past weekend. Note I did say anime: NYCC did happen...

Anime NYC 2022: J-Novel Club Makes 22 Total Title Announcements; Enters Partnerships with DRECOM...

J-Novel Club made 22 total title announcements at their Anime NYC 2022 panel at the Jacob Javits Center on Saturday: 9 of their catalog light novels to be produced as audiobooks. 4 of...

Anime NYC 2022: The Good, the Mixed, and the Bad

Anime NYC at the Jacob Javits Center has come and gone, which means no more Javits Center stops until 2023! All seriousness, Year 2 of Anime NYC under COVID-19 protocols means...

Anime NYC 2022: Industry Panels Overview

With Anime NYC being a known convention for local publishers (Kodansha, Yen Press) and those outside of New York (Crunchyroll, J-Novel Club), this is the major place to make any big...
It's Not My Fault TheOASG Podcast is Not Popular!

TheOASG Podcast Episode 161: Two Hosts Saw Too Many Licenses Announced at a Con...

Show Notes Main Topic: The Hosts Went to Anime NYC! 0:00: Justin and Helen ended up going to Anime NYC, but not surprisingly, both had different opinions due to what they were doing!...
Anime NYC Dark Horse panel

Anime NYC 2021: Panels Overview

Social media has been the go-to for getting new licensing information from companies as the COVID-19 pandemic has continued. Since attending physically wasn't an option, online conventions popped up to fill...

Anime NYC 2019: The Good, the Mixed, and the Bad

For a convention completing its third year of existence, it's fair to say that Anime NYC 2019 is one of the best cons to go to in North America. Sponsored by...
Voice actress Rie Kugimiya holds a microphone while at Anime NYC 2019.

Anime NYC 2019: Interview With Voice Actress Rie Kugimiya

If you’ve been watching anime long enough, there’s a high likelihood you’ve heard of Rie Kugimiya. She’s been the voice of a number of prominent characters, ranging from Alphonse Elric in...
Monogatari illustrator VOFAN getting a picture with his fans at Anime NYC

Anime NYC 2019: Interview with Monogatari, Colorful Dreams Illustrator VOFAN

Anime NYC had a number of guests at the convention, and I was part of the media contingent that interviewed Taiwanese artist VOFAN. A long-time illustrator for different types of media,...

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