For (maybe) the final time, you’ll get my thoughts on Anime NYC in November…since next year, fans, press, pros and guests will now head to the Javits Center in August.
So thoughts about how Anime NYC’s being run in late August/September? Looking forward to it! But here’s how this year’s convention went for 2023:
The Good
+ Was easy to get in and out. The one difference from last year compared to this year was getting into the convention was not as lengthy (since COVID-19 protocols have been dropped), and they moved getting press badges upstairs on the main entrance. Was a little weird, and there was some slight crossed signals on getting my press badge, but overall very minor in the grand scheme of things — I got into the convention with ease. Will wonder if it’ll be the same next year or will they change it since they’ll have all of the Javits Center this time.
+ All-in-one gigantic area of food/games/Artist Alley/Autographs/Exhibit Hall. Seems clear that this will continue to be the standard operating procedure for these groups, and it is very much welcomed. That one year where they had the autographs downstairs or food somewhere else is a thing of the past. Decisions, however, will likely have to be made on where to put everything now since the space will be more expansive next year.
+ Got everywhere I needed to well enough. Not much to say here — ease of access is kind of key for conventions, and it’s pretty clear where you have to go by reading the instructions, whether it’s on the app or the signs placed around the Javits Center.
The Mixed
- Guest List STILL a little lacking??? Actually, I don’t think who they brought over this year was bad. From Kana Ichinose and Lynn, the Director and Character Designer of Lycoris Recoil, multiple manga creators, and to a host of musical guests, there was certainly more variety compared to last year. But if Anime NYC’s attempting to position itself as one of the major conventions, then they’ll for sure have to continue trying to see who else they can get to go to their convention.
- Attendance down? This isn’t to say it never got packed throughout the weekend (though if you went early enough on Friday and Sunday you’d get crickets!…and then the wave of people would show up), and Anime NYC will mention the attendance at some point soon, but it felt at times it was not as many people as last year…maybe not as much as 2021 too. I can’t actually prove this is true, and with this still being a big con a good crowd still attended. Just felt a bit different though.
- Panel length. Minor honestly compared to everything else, but is 45 minutes really enough for panelists to do their thing? Now if they chose this length that’s one thing, but I suspect a few might’ve wanted to do the one hour so they didn’t have to rush through everything.

The Bad
– Panels starting on time. Usually the case of a panel not starting on time is because of technical issues, panelists running late, or room clearance issues. Everything I went to started on time. That actually was a problem because attendees could only go into the panel room at the panel start time. So if you were waiting in the queue for a 6PM panel, the queue finally moved at 6PM. Needless to say, it’s possible not every panel had this experience, but a number of them that I went to weirdly enough let everyone in late (this even prompted a comment from the host in the Yen Press panel that despite people coming in they had to get things going so they couldn’t wait for attendees to sit down). This was definitely the most noticeable difference compared to prior years, and I have no idea why.
– Panel was cancelled!…Just not in person! So I went to the Dark Horse panel Saturday and while heading into the room I saw on the schedule there was going to be an Inklore panel. I’m like, I don’t remember seeing this anywhere on the app. But as it turned out, I forgot I had them on a separate list prior to the convention, so it was clearly on the website. But at some point, this got removed from the website and the app. This didn’t get communicated by the time 4:45 rolled around. I suspect the Inklore team was at the panel involving My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 later that night, so no need to have two panels, even though it would’ve been nice to know who’s helming that imprint at 4:45. But regardless, ANYC didn’t even have a cancelled sign next to the panel and the ANYC staff member moderating that room wasn’t sure if the panel was happening either. Yeah, not great all around.
– Was not able to attend all the panels I wanted to. Maybe last year was a blip, because Friday alone, the following panels happened in the 5-7PM window:
5PM: Solmare Publishing Panel
5:15: J-Novel Club Panel
5:30: Lycoris Recoil Panel
5:45: Gundam Witch From Mercury VA Panel
6PM: Avex Pictures Panel
6:30: Denpa Books Panel
I attended 3 of these panels (that’s being somewhat generous). I was only briefly in Solmare’s panel (whatever their big announcement was happened at the end, and had to leave well before then. Still have no idea what the announcement was), left J-Novel Club once that ended, had to leave the Gundam panel roughly 18 minutes before it ended due to it being some distance away, and was at the Denpa Panel. I could only hear what happened in the Lycoreco and Avex Pictures panel later on. Ok yes, this was probably crazy for me. But realistically, even if you weren’t that insane, wouldn’t it have made sense to try and have two of the more popular works in the past year more spread out? I understand it’s possible that due to Japanese requests it couldn’t be moved anywhere else, but I feel like last year was a lot better planned. But I’m only speaking for me, not sure if anyone else had troubles over the weekend.
– One day the Javits Wi-Fi will be great. Whether it’s in our dreams or in real life, it will be reliable in a pinch. Not counting on it though, even in our dreams. (You shouldn’t be dreaming about great Wi-Fi over there anyways, that’d be a wasted dream.)
– Goodbye having the 7 train in the bad section! With the news that Anime NYC will be in August, many more fans can actually attend the convention much more conveniently. You think there have been attendees who decided not to come back because the 7 wasn’t running over the weekend? It’s likely happened for sure. But presumably the 7 will actually run conveniently on the weekend during the summer as opposed to late November.
…Well, you’d think!

It has been interesting to write about this convention now, but it will likely be a lot different to write about next year. As mentioned, the convention will be in August, so there will be some major differences in what will take place, as it’s happening during the general summer convention season, it is in the summer, it’s before NYCC in the same building, it’s not gonna happen in winter weather, etc. They will have all of Javits Center to use, so it will be fascinating to see how the space will be used not just for next year but in the next couple years if they will maintain having this convention in August. Companies will have to make even tougher decisions on going or not, and so will attendees who have been going for years in November. Very interested in how it’ll be handled, but for now, will say so long to this convention for another year.