Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 9

Did you get a Switch? Are you getting one? I am, but I'm waiting until the summer; it'll give me a great excuse to...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 8

...I haven't been very well this week; a chest infection. Meaning I had a lot of catching up in shows waiting to be done. I've...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 7

Ok, so not all of them. Little Witch Academia is still very young. This week gets a little more serious while keeping the light-hearted humour...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 6

They have recently celebrated their 1,000,000th subscriber, so they'll be hosting a new con in Santa Clara in the last weekend of August. I...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 5

It's strange, as it never occurred to me to actually look for filler episodes for this season. It's either in the shows that I've...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 4

If last season taught me one thing, it's populism will always triumph, regardless of quality. It's the same reason why Your Name didn't get...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 3

Maybe they'll adapt this manga. I'd review it for this column, regardless of how bad it is... Okay, so no more talk about 'you-know-what' anymore;...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 2

...oh, and a neat new console is coming out in March. Anyway, week 2 of the cour, and now Amazon has gotten onto the anime...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 1

The propaganda over Yuri!!! on Ice and Flip Flappers has now stopped (or slowed down at least) and it leaves me wondering what shows...

Winter Anime 2017 Streaming Guide!

This season brings us some exciting stuff, including the much anticipated Little Witch Academia Series, the new installment in the Fate universe, in addition...

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