Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Fall Anime 2019, Week 4
I was worried that I might have picked up a bug while I was on my trip to Scotland; I suppose being on a...
Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Fall Anime 2019, Week 3
Today for this week's Otaku Theater, I am writing this on the bed of my hotel room in Edinburgh, where I'm enjoying Scotland Loves...
Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Fall Anime 2019, Week 2
Still seems weird that 2019 is ending soon. Well, this weekend will be the weekend where I'll be away in Edinburgh to attend the...
Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Fall Anime 2019, Week 1
I'm fresh from my long speedrun of the entire Symphogear franchise, and so I'm asking myself two things: one is why I chose 4...
Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Fall Anime 2019 Preview
So now it's the Fall. We don't really call it Fall here in the UK; it's just Autumn. We're not really Pagan anymore either,...
Neomo’s Symphogear Challenge: Season 5
So I've reached the end of my long challenge. Symphogear XV is the fifth and final season, and for this piece I'm choosing my...
Neomo’s Symphogear Challenge: Season 4
At the end of our last Symphogear Challenge post, I brought in the term "Because It's Symphogear". We are up to Season 4 now:...
Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Summer Anime 2019 Review
This happens every 3 months or so. I say that I'll miss an anime season, but at the same time, I say to myself...
Neomo’s Symphogear Challenge: Season 3
Previously on Symphogear Challenge...
...I ended up rating season 1 (Symphogear) higher than season 2 (Symphogear G) because I was getting rather frustrated with its...
Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Summer Anime 2019, Week 11
Some of these shows I will miss, others...not so much, but it does always feel good to start a new anime season, and for...