Along comes another bout of 4 shows for me to praise and/or complain at, but this week we heard the news that Anime News Network executive editor Zac Berschy has tragically passed away; ANN have put out a statement here. He was someone who cared deeply about anime, and was an extremely committed anime journalist. Condolences go to his friends and family.
2020 really has not been the greatest year, huh? Makes me think back to how 2016 was, when we had a heap of awful political stuff happening on both sides of the Atlantic, along with the Zika virus and some famous people passing away. I suppose all we can do right now, at this point in time, is look forward. At least we have our favorite shows to watch…and oh my god, season 2 of Kaguya-sama: Love is War is seriously on fire right now.
Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2 Episode 7
…and here was me thinking last week’s episode was a real gem; episode 7 only shows us that this season of Kaguya-sama: Love is War is something that, I believe, everyone should be watching. It already has secured a top 3 of 2020 for me, and it’s only halfway through.

Last week was election day, and to my surprise, the episode was seen through Miko’s eyes. Everyone in school knew that Miyuki would likely win in a landslide, but Miko still tried to take advantage of that small percentage she had…only for it to crumble when we see how terrible she is in giving speeches. So for Miyuki to step in, debate with her on-stage, and let her switch focus from the crowd to just him, was pretty ingenious…and served to get Miko many more votes.

Miko is still that adorable little muffin that needs to be protected, and is likely to remain so for the rest of this season. Episode 6 (last week) and episode 7 (this week) were just two polar opposites; while last week was far more serious (and was able to pull it off spectacularly), this week sees the crew back to their old dysfunctional selves.
The old well-known harem anime gag of ‘girl-walking-into-something-and-then-misunderstands’ comes this week, with Miko arriving in the Student Council office ready to accept her invitation, only to see scenes like Kaguya and Miyuki in compromising positions, or Chika and Ishigami arguing about underwear. It’s a gag that this show hasn’t really used before, and even though it’s an old harem anime gag that some of us groan and cringe at, I think that because the show haven’t used it until this point actually makes the gag work, and makes it more…hilarious to watch.
To those of us who have been watching the Kaguya-sama anime franchise since the beginning, we see these kind of shenanigans happen on a daily basis, and so seeing Miko’s pure and innocent heart be tainted is a real sight to see. With Kaguya and Miyuki still ‘battling’ to see who will confess first, and Chika being a complete lunatic, will Miko bring her hammer of justice onto this crazy and lovable Student Council? I really hope so.
Tamayomi Episode 8
Now the real meaty part of Tamayomi has come (not the yuribait, the school tournament), I think this show has suddenly gotten a little more interesting. We’ve had past episodes here and there about interesting yet short things, like Nozomi feeling uncomfortable about playing in this particular team, and Sensei turning from cutesy teacher to devil coach in a heartbeat. Other school teams have entered the fray now, and Shin Koshigaya can now see what they are actually up against if they want to really succeed as a reinvigorated school baseball team.

Their first game in the tournament is against the very same team that made Yoshiko and Ibuki get nervous. It wasn’t because they were a powerhouse team; instead it was just that they couldn’t understand their unusual method and strategy of play. This week, though, the team finds out: they play quick games because they’re more interested in practicing and playing with each other than playing against other school teams. So when the Shin Koshigaya team changes strategy mid-game, this makes the opposing team react, and take the game more seriously. This game seems to be a two-parter, so we’ll find out what happens in the next episode.

Despite my small complaints about animation, I just can’t see why Tamayomi is getting reviews marking it as ‘okay-to-mediocre’. I’m really enjoying this little journey of theirs, and even if this yuribait that was hinted doesn’t deliver by the time the show ends, I still don’t regret picking this show. Especially when we’re treated to hilarious little moments like this, when Tama meets up with an old senpai of hers from her former school…and a certain someone is not happy.

Wave, Listen to Me! Episode 8
Okay, now I’ve seen a real problem with watching Wave, Listen to Me! now, and as I’m enjoying Kaguya-sama: Love is War and Tamayomi far more, I’m losing more and more interest in what happens in this show. These last few episodes alone have been quite mediocre, even with this subplot of Minare finding something to talk about on her new show, only to discover that it was all some misunderstanding on her part. And this all makes me rather tired of this persona that she has; a little crazy, a little unlucky, and just not likable anymore.

Even with some plot points of Takarada being discharged from hospital (making Minare effectively unemployed), and Makie’s overprotective and borderline psychotic old brother arriving on the scene to force her to leave her job, this show is nothing like how it began. And so after what happened last week, do we see something new in Minare? No, not really…and that is what is making me dislike this show even more. It’s almost like the show went from 10 to 0 in just a couple of weeks. Jokes from her have become just completely cringe-worthy, her attitude and body language are pretty bad to watch, and I find myself liking the secondary characters’ stories even more.
For instance, this mini-story of Makie’s crazy brother suddenly arriving. It turns out that all he wants her to do is to become a stay-at-home wife, and be completely oblivious to the rest of the world…and he is willing to do literally anything to make sure that happens. So, when he discovers that not only has she found a job, but she is staying at a man’s house, something just snaps in him. I wouldn’t want to meet any kind of man like him in real life, but despite that, this mini-story has become something more appealing to me that what Minare’s story has turned into since the show began. So putting it mildly, the sooner this show ends for me, the better. That’s unless Minare suddenly does a 180, which seems unlikely right now.

Wotakoi: Love Is Hard For Otaku Episode 8
Right now I’m even rating my out-of-season pick, Wotakoi, higher than Wave, Listen to Me!, and that’s saying something, considering how much negativity I’ve thrown at this show recently.
We are getting closer and closer to the end now here, what with Wotakoi being only 11 episodes long. Past episodes have just felt like they’ve gone on one route:
- Jokes and such at work
- Jokes and such at a bar
- (optional) Jokes and such at a coffee shop
Episode 8 has been the most serious episode I’ve seen since we found out Hanako and Kabakura were dating. Here, on a cold and windy day, we find out Hirotaka is scared of thunder, and has also had some bad memories as a kid when thunder comes crashing down – some of them silly, and others…not so silly. But from there, the story moves on to how serious he wants his relationship with Narumi to be. Since he hasn’t picked up on anything, and has only really thought about her as an old otaku friend, and sees other people his age go out on ‘normal’ dates, what is he to think?
Then we notice Narumi is sort of feeling the same way too.

Is any of this going to make me like Wotakoi more, though? That’s hard to say, but if we see the final three episodes take a more serious turn, like this one did, then I might actually be a tiny bit impressed.
Shows are beginning to wrap up now, with some of them starting to take a more serious turn. Kaguya-sama: Love is War continues to deliver for me, and right now, I’m longing for the final episode of Wave, Listen to Me! So, in all the shows you’re watching, which are the ones you’re enjoying the most? And…which ones are you disliking the most, and feel like dropping? Feel free to hit that like button, and air your opinions in the comments below!
Lastly, remember to stay at home, wash your hands and keep good hygiene!