Is this week a ‘turning point’ of sorts for some of these shows? I mean, we’ve gone past all the intro segments and everything, so if a show is to deliver something plot-changing, it would be at this point, right?
I wouldn’t call this week’s episode of Sarazanmai a plot-changing one, but it has shown me more on what kind of people these three kids are: not-nice people at all. Or that likable anymore either…Am I jumping to too big of a conclusion here, only after 4 episodes? Makes me think a little on how most of us thought Puella Magi Madoka Magica was going to be this cutesy magical-girl show, and then…well, we all know what happens a few episodes into that.

This week, Kazuki learns that Haruka is going to a Sara fan meet, and asks Toi to kidnap the real Sara so he can take her place for good, but that action isn’t the focus this week: instead it’s on Toi, and how he turned bad. We actually learn that his family owned a small soba shop, and when his parents died, the shop was due to close unless it found the money for rent/bills/etc. It also dawns on me that the two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are in fact more antagonistic than I thought. I still don’t like how little coverage we’ve had of them compared to the three boys; I hope that next week’s episode will change that, as we also learn that the boys are unknowingly thwarting whatever master plan they have in mind for Asakusa (or rather, what their secret society have in mind).

I think I made a bit of a mistake by reading too many of those theories posted on /r/anime, concerning any hidden metaphors that this show is giving us. I know Ikuhara enjoys his metaphors and hidden messages in his shows, and I’m sure the anime community is having lots of fun figuring them all out. Maybe it’s just me, and I’m just looking at this show in a binary manner. After episode 4, the first thing that goes into my head is how much I’m disliking Kazuki, and how much I’m sympathizing with Enta, when I know there is so much more. I mean, I know I ought to look more into the two policemen; I’ve given them hardly any coverage since this show began.
Maybe Sarazanmai is just one of those shows I’m just going to have to re-watch when it’s over, just so I can get a better understanding of what goes on.
Hitoribocchi won’t be one of those shows though, thankfully. This week we turn away from Bocchi, and look at Aru, and her poor luck.

My first watch of this episode made me cringe a little, as I see that, as each week goes by, I see Nako tease her more and more, but then I later see that it’s something that doesn’t weigh on her mind, and the only person that is making a big deal out of it all is Aru herself. We see that Nako has already gained a huge reputation in her class for being incredibly aloof and unapproachable, and so the fact that she has found people to talk to is a plus. This is still a ‘cute-girls-doing-cute-things’ show though, so even though I’ll happily talk about how well Hitoribocchi is tackling social anxiety in children, I accept that it’s comedy sketches like those that cover this week that is the main thing.

We Never Learn is meant to be a comedy sketch show too…sort of…I guess? This week’s episode turned out to be the obligatory onsen episode, and so here’s me thinking it’ll give us all the obligatory things we expect (with me saying to myself: “Oh god, here it comes…“), and…it did.

The context/excuse for this was that both Rizu and Nariyuki went out into the woods (on the study trip the third-years are all on), and were told to clean the girls’ onsen as punishment…but then a bunch of girls just happened to walk in and use their free time to bathe. Oh, and a prelude to this is that Rizu is now getting worked up because she has begun to fall for him too, just as Uruka is.
I admit that I have started to enjoy poking at this not-great show. The onsen episode came and delivered exactly what an atypical onsen episode is meant to, and I expect any future obligatory episodes (the beach one/the Christmas one/the Valentine’s day one/etc) to do just the same.
I still don’t have a best girl in this show, and I probably never will. With Rizu’s rival getting more screentime, and two more expected to enter the competition (their mean teacher who wants them to study what they excel at, and Nariyuki’s sister), We Never Learn is likely not to give us anything outstanding, like what Sarazanmai is trying to do.

It sounds like I’m knocking comedy sketch shows, doesn’t it? Well, when I say I prefer shows with a singular plot, I won’t be wrong. But that doesn’t mean I hate them, of course. I mean, I’m really enjoying Hitoribocchi, and I’m also really enjoying Kaguya-sama: Love is War as well.

This was episode 5 for me, and sketches went from relationship advice, to volleyball training, to umbrella-sharing, and as always, this show gets me cracking up, even if these are all sketches that appear in so many shows. It’s like this:
- We know Kaguya and Miyuki want each other, but this whole ‘who will make the first move?’ game is what makes this show.
- The addition of Chika as the third character is golden as well. She doesn’t want Miyuki, but the fact that Miyuki gets herself in such a huge jealous fit when she has thoughts of the two of them becoming a couple…it’s almost as if it’s impossible for Kaguya to hide her feelings.

Meanwhile, Rascal Does Not Dream also continues to impress. All of the character designs here have been great to watch, and this current arc that I’m on (in episode 5) is getting more interesting, as we see Tomoe carry on ‘dating’ Sakuta. Because she is being seen with him, her own reputation at the school begins to falter, with girls now calling her promiscuous. Even after the epic ending in this episode (with Sakuta fighting some guy in an attempt to protect Tomoe’s reputation), I don’t think this will be the end of this arc. I actually think we’re only just getting started…
(…and like I said previously, I know nothing about this show, so I have no idea what’ll happen in the next episode)
So I knock some comedy sketch shows while praising others…that sounds like any other keen anime follower, perhaps? I’m probably just thinking about this too much. Well…how was your anime week? Do you think I should look at Sarazanmai from a fresh perspective? Feel free to hit that like button and air your opinions in the comments below…