Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2017, Week 6

Even Sakura Quest is starting to pick up, even though it's now firmly in the 'filler episode' stage. This week, the Manoyama tourist board...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2017, Week 5

So...Nyaa Torrents got shut down right underneath our noses. Just in time for the news by Crunchyroll and Amazon Prime that it'll be offering...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2017, Week 4

Anime Expo just announced some big names. I've decided not to go though, as I can't afford both AX and Dragoncon (which has become...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2017, Week 3

Us OASG folk communicate with each other (sometimes), and it seems that this opinion was pretty much universal: Well you got me there...but it's not...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2017, Week 2

No it's not Sword Art Online, not yet, if you didn't read my post, I wasn't initially impressed by it like the rest of...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2017, Week 1

The Winter season kind of ended quietly, I thought. The Fall season was a different story; big shows like Hibike! Euphonium 2, Flip Flappers,...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2017 Preview

Last season was a surprise... ...because there were a good majority of shows I enjoyed, so the elitist in me had to eat humble pie....

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017 Review

I have been moaning over these last couple of weeks about shows that seem unable to end, well I'll tell you one thing: it...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 11

Yes, this week marked what I thought was Sangatsu no Lion's finale...after what seemed like so long and now we've learnt that it's coming...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2017, Week 10

Fuuka is back. Has diomedea realised that not everyone liked the show? Could that be the reason why Fuuka isn't a 2-cour show? Meh,...

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