Neomo's Otaku Theater Spring Anime 2019

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2019, Week 5

Is this week a 'turning point' of sorts for some of these shows? I mean, we've gone past all the intro segments and everything,...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2019, Week 4

Last week's Easter was extremely uneventful for me. This is clearly a thing as you get older: over any holiday, you just sit and...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2019, Week 3

Well I can't quite remember what the last show that captivated me as much as Sarazanmai currently is doing least a show I...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2019, Week 2

Well what shows did you end up watching this week? Have the likes of One Punch Man and Fruits Basket still kept you going,...
Neomo's Otaku Theater Spring Anime 2019

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2019, Week 1

An old season ends, and a new one begins. The Winter 2019 season actually didn't seem like that long, so this Spring 2019 season...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Spring Anime 2019 Preview

In the last anime season, both Justin and Kuuki got a say in the shows I watched. That 'experiment' sort of worked out as...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2019 Review

Another season over and once again there are some shows that end up succeeding that were off my radar. At least I'll be able...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2019, Week 11

I seem to be saying this a lot recently, but the end is nigh, and perhaps a few of us are rather relieved that...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2019, Week 10

Well I have my next season's shows all locked in, even the classic/out-of-season ones...umm, except for the fact that one show, Carole & Tuesday,...

Neomo’s Otaku Theater: Winter Anime 2019, Week 9

This season actually feels like it's flown past. I mean, it's week 9 already, and it still feels like I haven't quite gotten into...

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